Quentin Adolphe's

Lattice Boltzmann CFD with
Machine Learning (Python)

Uses Lattice Boltzmann method to create a fluid simulation of objects. Used simulation to create dataset, which was then used to train a nueral network to predict air flow. Training was largly unsuccessful due to lack of compute.

Automated Stock Trading
With ChatGPT (Python)

Automated day trading. Uses news headlines and ChatGPT sentiment analysis to predict outperforming and underperforming stocks, and creates a long-short strategy for the day. (Code not public.)

Running Analysis with
Machine Learning (Kotlin)

Android Application that uses Tensor Flow's Single-pose Thunder convolutional neural network to estimate joint positions of human body. Then uses pose classification model to identify phase of running motion (floating or touchdown).

College Ride Share
Application (Swift)

Ride share application to group students at Swarthmore College together for Ubers or Lyfts. Students can schedule trips to the Philadelphia Airport or Swarthmore College, and match with others who are leaving at similar times. Chat integration then allows students to talk with each other to plan meeting time and location.

Traversing a Maze
with Turtlebot (Python)

Uses Dijkstra's algorithm to find an optimal path through a maze, and turns that path into a set of commands. A PD controller with tuned parameters is used to control the robots movements.

3D Triangulation with
Stereo Vision (Python)

Performs a stereo calibration to determine intrinsic and extrinsic parameters for stereo vision setup. Uses parameters to determine 3D positions of objects of interest.

Building A Heart Rate
Monitor (C++/Matlab)

Designing and buidling a heart rate monitor using an electrocardiogram (ECG) measurement system and Nucleo board.

Traffic Light (C++)

Building two traffic lights designed for a T intersection. Traffic light behavior is determined by a state machine running on a Nucleo board with inputs from two ultrasonic sensors.

Conway's Game
of Life Recreation (C#/C++)

Simulates Conway's Game of Life with an interactive application built with Unity.

Hybrid Images
and Laplacian Blending (Python)

Exploring two different ways to blend two images. Laplacian blending involves using a mask to blend high and low-frequency information across two pictures as seen above. Hybrid images take the high-frequency information from one photo and the low-frequency information from another and merge them into one.

Tracking the Movement
of Tennis Players (Python)

Using temporal averaging and morphological operators, a connected components analysis is used to distinguish between separate objects and track their locations over time.

cubic spline
interpolation (Python)

Passes a smooth curve through a set of points using piecewise third-order polynomials. Constructed linear system and implemented Gauss-Seidel Method for solving it